Friday, December 5, 2014

What I want to see in 2015 from the US athletes

So here are some things I want to see in 2015 for the sport in no particular order
• I want to see Alysia Montano back running fast and I want her to get her medal from the 2011 World Champs that she earned.
• I want to see David Torrence make a world team.
• I want to see better coverage. I mean Jesus, there are now a zillion outlets. I want more interviews from FloTrack(like they did back in the day), I want to see better commentating from the US broadcasters(i.e., new commentators with a few exceptions-Ato Boldon can't do everything)
• I want to see Shannon Rowbury and Molly Huddle continue breaking barriers in the 5000 and Shannon and Jenny Simpson kick ass in the 1500.
• I want to see the US 400M get back to it's hey day. *sidebar Jeremy Wariner should move up to the 800m.
• I would love to see some US medals at World Cross Counrty Championships with a stacked US Team. Hello? OTC and NOP where are you? Brooks-Hanson-can you hear me?
• Wallace Spearman-wassup? I believe in you. You need to step up to the 400m though.
• English Gardner and Bianca Knight-I believe you forfeited school eligibility to turn pro-I'm waiting on you. I know you can do it.
• I'm digging that new sponsors are coming in to the mix and creating teams and individual sponsorship deals. Brooks, Oiselle, Hoka One One, Sketchers etc.. But now I am going to need to see some ass kicking. I'm need to see Lauren Fleshman take her flock of talented chick(pun intended) and show me the results I know they are capable of. That goes for all of the pro athletes that have recieved the gift of sponsorship from smaller companies.
• I need to see the US mens sprinters that haven't been served bans to step it up. I have no hatred or ill will towards the reinstated dopers-but I would be thrilled to see some fresh names in the mix. Not just for me, but for the sport.
• I want to see Kara Goucher to have a great race-What she achieved in 2007 is still magical and I know she has more left in the tank.
• I want to see ballsy more racers like Emma Coburn. I want to see our athletes in every discipline have race plans that aren't always based on what the other athletes are doing.
• Yo-Anna Willard-I know you are out there and I'm scared. I have a feeling it's going to be a good year for you.
• I am hoping for a healthy Andrew Wheating. I remember that 3:30.
• Phoebe Wright-I love your humour, but I REALLY love when you run fast and kick butt.
• I want the USATF to treat the athletes as well as the board member treat themselves. I want the athletes to want better for themselves. I want the anger and confusion I see from athletes on social media to transfer into positive change by joining together. It's not something that should be a resentment and then you forget about it. It seemed the many athletes got tired of the system a few years ago and then gave up. You should want more for yourself and your peers-regaurdless of your current contracts or your current rankings. You should leave the sport better than you found it.
• I also do not like seeing training groups fighting. Finger pointing is childish. Behaving poorly at track meets and on social media makes the whole group look bad and that is NOT fair to the athletes or fans. Look, I love a healthy rivalry, but come one now. It's old.
• Can someone perhaps look into the Russian Doping thingy STAT. And perhaps Turkey? I don't know, like today-ish. Or should we wait until the next Olympics and have athletes pretend nothing is going on. And don't get me started on the intersex athletes. I am not a Dr. but...........
• Lastly, US track is stacked to say the least. When everyone is healthy and fit, we could easily medal in every event. Multiple medals. I am a super grateful fan.

About Me.

OK, let me start by letting you know I have never blogged before. I am a 44 year old makeup artist that lives in Los Angeles. I ran track in Jr. High and High School but I was terrible. Awful. That however did not deter my love for the sport. I remember watching the Sunkist Indoor meet as a kid on my parents TV and being mesmerized. I'm old. It was an electrifying time. I sat inches from the TV and cheered Eamonn, Doug Padilla, Valerie Brisco and Mary Decker. They were such stars. Then came the '84 Olympics and I became a fan of Zola Budd and Joaquin Cruz(Not so much Mary Slaney anymore). My point is, I knew about these athletes and I was from a small town and was a terrible athlete. I didn't have the Internet, we had a handful of TV stations and I still got my fix. So now, 30 years later I have unlimited info and coverage of my favorite sport and athletes-so I want to share my take as just a fan of what I love and what I want to see for the sport I love. 

p.s. I'm gay and I have a cat.